Notable Former Members
Founding Members

As Linda would want written: Linda P. Crouse, 83, of Ben Lomond, California, left this world unexpectedly from a fall on December 25th, 2021. As an accomplished and well-known Nutritionist, she would want everyone to know
that it wasn’t from any “disease”. Linda is survived by her loving husband of 31 years, Jamie Keith McDonald; her
beloved daughters, Julie McDonald Lingenfelter, Jaime Gwen McDonald; beloved son, Michael Briggs McDonald; adored grandson, Gavin James McEwen; two nephews and three close nieces;and last, but not least, “Boo Boo” and” BB”, lovable Canines. She was preceded in death by her mother, Sara Paulette McHenry, father Otto Crouse, three sisters, Sandra Sandlin, Joan C. Blythe, and Cynthia Crouse.
Linda leaves behind a huge legacy of her life’s work and accomplishments, that will live on for many years
to come. Not only did she help hundreds of individuals extend their life with better nutrition; she also
helped to better the lives of indigent persons, victims of abuse, the homeless, and individuals addicted to
drugs as a counselor and grant writer with the Valley Resource Center of Ben Lomond.
For the past 10+ years, she spent most of her time in the natural nutrition business she founded with
partners. Her IQ in the sciences literally off the charts, Linda not only read the research stats, but she
studied the actual research itself.
At U.C. Berkeley and U.C. Davis, she majored in Anthropology, yet also took a plethora of astronomy, life
sciences, calculus, and social science courses (Univ. of Missouri).In 1967, Linda worked in biocomputing
research, and later in computer programming & training of medical personnel at Stanford Medical Center.
At the age of 14, she visited Albert Einstein in his home to discuss light velocity, vanishing mass and
special relativity. On October 16, 2018, she was named the “Inventor” on a U.S. Patent for “Increasing
Telomere Length in a Cell.” In no way pedantic, she was always careful to explain details in lay terms to
A very public civil rights activist, freedom fighter, speaker and writer for human rights, Linda actively took
on numerous important social causes for decades. In the late ‘50’s, her first “sit-in” was when she and two
companions, one black, were told to leave a restaurant because they wouldn’t serve non-whites. She
consistently fought for the underdog, for equal pay and equal rights for all, including many years
campaigning for women’s rights, supporting the efforts of the Native Americans at Wounded Knee,
organizing efforts to stop the Vietnam War, fighting for free childcare, for animal rights, climate change,
social justice, and fair economics in general.
In 1970, Linda cofounded the United Stanford Workers Union Local 680. Then left her cushy computer job
in 1974 to “walk the walk”, becoming the first female Stanford maintenance laborer hired. A decade later,
in a long battle to reinstate the Union, she garnered support from the likes of Vice-Pres. Mondale, Jesse
Jackson, and Cesar Chavez. Over 20 years of service on the Executive committee with the Union, she
served as VP, then President, then as Chief Steward.
In 1986, she took it upon herself to visit Nicaragua in support of the Sandinistas where she also met with
U.S. Officials to plead for ending the embargo. In the late 80’s, she worked with a group of contract farm
workers on Stanford land at Webb Ranch, who did not receive union-scale wages or benefits. The union
helped the workers gain legal immigrant status, through an amnesty program, and the workers then
unionized and obtained a successful contract. The campaign won national and international support.
Although soft-spoken and small in physical stature, Linda was a “large” person with a huge heart. She
loved living in the Redwoods, meditating, hiking with her dogs, sitting on the deck with her husband, and
visiting her family in Dallas. She will be missed by literally thousands of people whose lives she touched.
Donations welcome to: Walnut Ave. Family &
Women’s Center, Santa Cruz (,
Defenders of Wildlife, Washington D.C.
A public Celebration of Life is not yet scheduled.